Konocti Rod & Gun Club




March, 2024  


This month’s meeting is on March 19th at the Lakeport Senior Center. 527 Konocti Avenue, Lakeport 95453. (The next meeting is April 16th, also at the Senior Center). 


The 2024 operating budget was presented to the membership.

and it was approved.


Spring Gun Raffle begins at the March meeting.  

Spring gun is the NEW to the California roster,

Ruger Mark IV .22 pistol 


Tickets will be sold only at the March, April and May meetings and the drawing will be at the May meeting. Need not be present to win.  


Range Maintenance Raffle  

Two raffle tickets were drawn at the February meeting, each winner receiving a $750 gift certificate from Coyote Point Armory, funded by donations to the range maintenance fund. 


Upcoming Shooting Events and Range Closures 

 Additional dates may be added or posted dates cancelled. Please check the KRGC web site calendar, your email and with the event coordinator, additional details may be available. 


Rimfire and Pistol Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette Matches 

Saturday March 16th, 8 am till 12 noon (next is April 20th) 

 Monthly lever action silhouette matches follow NRA rules.  

Cost is 8.00$ per match, or $8.00 for both matches.  

Range safety will be explained and enforced.  

Rimfire lever action is shot with 1/2 scale thin targets and .22 short, long, or long rifle only. 

Pistol cartridge lever action is shot on thicker1/2 scale targets and pistol caliber 

chamberings such as 38 spcl,44 special,45 colt, up to 44 mag. Hearing and eye 

protection are required, and all other range rules plus the NRA rules apply. You 

may shoot your rimfire rifle in both matches. targets need to fall or be off the rail to count as a hit. 


Varmint Silhouette Shoot 

 Saturday March 23rd ,9 am till 12 noon (next is April 27th) 

 9:00 AM The Rimfire Varmint Shoot is a 200-yard bench-rest match for ANY RIM- 

FIRE ammo, .17 cal. and .22 Cal and .22 Magnum. Organizer Jay Strugnell 279-8636. 


1/5 Scale Rimfire Silhouette and Rimfire BPCR Silhouette 

 Saturday 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM   Mar 30, 2024 

These are both NRA Silhouette matches held on the 5th Saturday of the months that have 5 Saturdays.  

We will allow any .22lr chambered rifle in either match and also allow shooting from the bench rests. Awards for compliant match equipment only.  

$8 for one or both matches.  

All safety rules apply. 


California Rifle and Pistol Association Mendocino/ Lake Chapter meeting 

Monthly meeting March 23rd, one week early due to Easter holiday, 

 1 pm till 3 pm, at North Shore Christian Fellowship location 9456 Main St. Upper Lake, CA 95485, open to CRPA members and interested parties. Meetings are normally on the last Saturday of the month alternating between this site and Ukiah Gun Club. 


Range Closures 

There will be no further notices of pistol range training closures. 

When law enforcement is presently using the pistol range, you may shoot your handguns on the rifle range 

 To prevent ricochets, elevate your targets so your bullets impact the 100 yard berm. about 5 feet off the ground depending on your height and shooting stance.  


Please do not shoot target stands, frame posts, cans, bottles, appliances etc. We do not have a CLEAN UP service, clean up your brass, shotshell hulls, targets, cardboard, snack containers etc. You may dump range trash in the dumpster at the park or take it home.  


Be safe! 



August, 2023


August, 2023 NEWSLETTER

General Membership Meeting


This month’s meeting is on Tuesday, August 15th, at the Highland Springs range, 6 PM pot luck

dinner, you bring any side dish or dessert, club supplies the BBQ Brats and sauerkraut.

Meeting at 7 pm follows dinner.
( The next meeting is on Tuesday, September 19th, 7 PM back at the Lakeport Senior Center.


***Glock pistol raffle tickets available at this last potluck meeting at the range only. The drawing will be at THIS meeting. You need not be present to win. $5 per ticket or 6 for $20.


Upcoming Shooting Events and Range Closures


Additional dates may be added or posted dates cancelled. Please check the KRGC web site

calendar, your email and with the event coordinator, additional details may be available.


Event Report:


Both the Woman’s Clinic and Shoot What you Brung events were well attended in July. Thanks

to trainer /safety officer Rick Walker and Landon Stevens event coordinator along with many


volunteers for setup and safety and coaching at the shoots.

Saturday, August 12th, 8 am till 10 am (next on September 9th)

NRA Rules Rifle Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette


Thr NRA match is a monthly, organized, club match following official NRA Silhouette rules.

Course of fire: 40 shots at Full size Animals. 10 chickens, 10 boars, 10 turkeys, and


10 rams. Entry Fee: $5.00 Equipment:

Lever Action Rifle Cartridge Silhouette Match:




Must have tubular magazine, iron/receiver/tang sights.


Sunday, August 13th , 9 am till Noon, Beginning shooters/ Coaching Clinic


A clinic for ALL beginning shooters on how to properly and safely handle and shoot various firearms.

Parents and grandparents will receive hands on coaching instructions for teaching and coaching

their kids/grandkids at this event and on the range.

Open to any age beginning shooters who need and want instruction and hands on experience

handling and shooting different firearms.

Personal firearms welcome.



Saturday, August 19th, 9 till 12 am (next on September 16th)


1/5 scale NRA silhouette is shot at 1/5 scare free standing silhouette targets at

40, 60, 77, and 100 meters using scoped .22lr rifles following NRA rules. These will be

held on the third Saturday of odd numbered months due to the popularity of the

half scale lever action. Pistol cartridge lever action silhouette will follow the morning

match every month. Contact Jay Strugnell, or Greg Peters for information.

Saturday, August 26th, 9 am till 12 noon (next on September 23rd)


The Rimfire Varmint Shoot is a 200-yard bench-rest match for ANY RIM-FIRE ammo,

.17 cal. and .22 Cal and .22 Magnum. Organizer Jay Strugnell xxx-xxxx.


Range Closures


We are waiting on sheriff department dates for pistol range closures during ccw training and will


update the website when available.


The Pistol Range on Wednesdays are usually utilized by law enforcement and closed to

members. If you have a handgun, plan to use our Rifle Range on Wednesdays if law

enforcement is present.


Range Reminders


Shoot at elevated targets and designated hanging steel only. Targets should be about 5 feet off

the ground so bullets impact the 100-yard berm. Please do not shoot target stands, frame

posts, cans, bottles, appliances etc.


We do not have a CLEAN UP service, please take your targets, cardboard, snack containers etc.

The dumpster down in the park is partially paid for by the KRGC so take your trash there or
