Konocti Rod & Gun Club

200 Yard Varmint Silhouettes

Animal silhouettes are: Jackrabbit, coyote, crow, and standing ground squirrel.
Painted in natural colors, browns, black and grey.

These varmints are small. Carl Hoke has the course record with 23/40.

We start at 9:00am on the 4th Saturday of each month.
200 yards with a front rest sounds easy, but, those jack rabbits are really small. When they are painted
to match the background (like the real things) then you add the variable wind, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to hit all
10 of them. (one person did hit all ten of one animal in 2016). The coyotes are small but do-able,
almost. The crows……… just when you have them figured out, the wind changes. Ground squirrels seem
to be a bullet magnet, but you still can’t hit 10 of 10. Come out and see if you can do better. The 7UP
can is full size. These varmints are small. Carl Hoke has the course record with 23/40. 1 hour to get sight
settings and then we try to shoot them down. ANY rim fire. FRONT rest only from the bench. Come and
try it. You too can be humbled.

The trophy is a steel silhouette target that all participants get to shoot at when they are shooting the
Crows. Bring some extra ammo. After you shoot at the Crows, you can shoot at the prize until you hit it
or time runs out. The winner of the match takes the prize home.

  • Same rules as NRA silhouette for classes
  • 4 sets 10 silhouettes, in order, in 5 minutes.
  • 200 yards from bench with front rest only.

4th Saturday of the month, See Calendar for dates


Konocti Rod and Gun Club Range,
3800 Highland Springs Rd, Lakeport, CA 95453.

Entrance Fee:

  • $5.00, winner in class gets entry fee returned.


Any rim fire, front rest only from the bench.
Any rim fire cartridge.
Any 17, 22, 22 magnum w/any sights.


Safety is important above all else & any safety violations may result in the removal of the competitor from the match by range officials. Eye and ear protection required.

Please contact for information and questions:

Jay Strugnell 279-8636

Please contact for information and questions:

Jay Strugnell:
– 279-8636